Forever Seen on the Streets

Episode 14 June 03, 2020 00:49:14
Forever Seen on the Streets
Not the Gear: The Photographer Podcast
Forever Seen on the Streets

Jun 03 2020 | 00:49:14


Show Notes

Melissa Robinson ([@Foreverseen]( joins the Covid Street team in our special series. Melissa's story is striking because she's travelled so far, and done so much, only to find herself having to make yet another creative change because of the onset of Covid and the lockdown. Undeterred she has masked up and set out to volunteer in Williamsburg, New York (just North of Brooklyn) and has even captured that shooting and volunteering experience on a body-camera. She's also managed to capture some great lockdown images of New York, including a Grand Central station in which the pigeons have taken over. It seems nothing can stop her. For some of the images, **please visit the [podcast episode page](–-forever-seen-on-the-streets/).** You can also find the video for Mel's body-cam volunteering discussed in the podcast.

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